Vision & Goals

OUR VISION (what we are aiming to achieve)

A family of Jesus Christ’s Disciples, empowered by His love, obedient to His commands and seeking to be like Christ to others.

OUR MISSION (the “why” or “journey” of the church)

Renewing lives and Growing Disciples of Christ

OUR CORE VALUES (how we behave)

Christ Centred Living

Faithful Obedience; Heartfelt Prayer; Meaningful Worship; Personal Empowerment; Unconditional Respect; Sacrificial Care; Genuine Friendship

OUR GOALS (the achievement of which fulfils our vision)

  1. To deepen our personal relationship with God by aiming for a Christ centred life, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  2. To respond to God’s love and grace with heart felt prayer and meaningful worship
  3. To show respect for people of all ages and background throughout the wider community and to respond to their needs by reaching out with the unconditional love of Jesus Christ
  4. To provide nurture, care and rich fellowship for all who are touched by our church community.